Student Assessment

The purpose of this student questionnaire is to assess student learning due to their participation in the water festival unit (the pre- and post-festival lessons, and the festival itself). Teachers should administer the questionnaire before the introductory Anchoring Phenomenon demonstration and again after completing Lesson 10. Please facilitate reading the questions with your students if you feel the vocabulary or reading may be challenging for them.

Prior to the water festival unit, please tell students that this is not a test, and they may or may not know the answers. Students will need about half an hour to complete the questionnaire. Please administer the post-festival questionnaire no more than four weeks after the Water Festival.

Click below to take the Arizona Water Festival Assessment online:

Download the printable Student Assessment and the answer key:

Pre- and post-festival student questionnaires should be sent to the address below no more than 5 weeks after your Arizona Water Festival day:
Arizona Project WET
University of Arizona
Cooperative Extension, Maricopa County
4341 East Broadway Road
Phoenix, AZ 85040

** The downloadable AWF Assessment and Key do NOT require a password.